I really liked the two articles that I read in order to prepare for this class because many people think that women are giving up her mind for a mop, when moms choose motherhood over a full-time worker. Also, in the article is mentioned that working women are more valuable to society than a homemaker moms who stay at home with their children rather than work outside home. A woman who decides to work outside instead of having children by choice, it will affect the society not only now, but in the future. The reason is because the birthrate will drop and this will lead a less productive society in the long run. Stay home moms is the most important job that any other job you can think of. The reason is because moms will lead next generation as mothers, fathers, public servants, writers and artists, scientists and business leaders – those whose development the future entirely depends upon. This was mentioned in the article that I am totally agreed.
I believe that women should have their degree in case that she needs to work outside because a major situation happens at home. These situations can be illness; husband lost his job, divorce, husband die. However, women should stay at home to teach their children to be the future generation. Once, their children are grown-up they come back to the workforce. Moms can apply their degree with their children to help them to go through school. As in the article is mentioned a stay home mom can be informed what is going on around the world without going outside and work.