Saturday, December 6, 2014


Parenting is a great blessing that couples could have despite of the problems and the stresses that are involved. The great majority of those who are parents indicate that the experience has given them great satisfaction. Even when they lack some of the resources they would prefer to have. My grandmother had two children and she told me that she would love to have four instead. The reason that she could have more is because my grandmother and grandfather both were working to support my father and my aunt. They both worked very hard for their children. Parenting is a great blessing because it brings the best of both parents.  Now, I am going to go through the styles of parenting that I learned in class.
Authoritarian parenting this style approach maximum control and to expect unquestioning obedience. Children may perceive such parents as rejecting and as refusing to give them any autonomy. This style is not good for children because they grow up in an environment of fear. Children should have their free agency. However, parents are the ones to help make their right decisions by themselves.
Authoritative discipline this style is to put boundaries acceptable behavior with a warm, acceptable context. Children are likely to perceive such an atmosphere as one that encourages their autonomy, controls their behavior moderately, and allows them to express their opinio0ns and develop their won decision-making ability. This style is great because it creates confident in children's life. Children should grow up in a healthy environment where they can feel their parents love them through understanding their needs and help them to meet them.
Permissive parenting style is to minimize ay control. Children are encouraged to make their own decisions  and develop their independence with few or no parental constraints or guidance. This kind of parent is called " cool parents". This is style is not smart because children don't know how to face their lives because they don't have guidance to make good decisions in live. It is better to have parents that guide you and make you grow instead of having parents that leave their children make lousy decisions that they are going to regret in the long run.
Parenting is not easy job because it involves a lot of responsibilities and time. However, parenting is the most rewarded job in the long run. I know that there are some parents out there that have challenges with their children, but if they keep working with them, God will help them.

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